Schobbee - Poe's Law (2023)
"Schobbee is film editor and composer Rik Chaubet. Poe’s Law is an album of internet audio gargled by film editing software. The result is a torrent of in-the-red glitch, digital concrète and corrupted beats like a GIF turned necrotic. [...] Schobbee deals with bigger chunks of sonic detritus thrown up by the algorithm. It remains a work concerned with creating new forms from pre-existing content by blasting them out of context. Finding something harrowing yet strangely compelling in the wreckage of sentiment and meaning."
Daryl Worthington, The Quietus

Press release
"Poe’s Law is Rik Chaubet’s first musical outing under the alias Schobbee. It’s a beautifully referential piece of industrial chaos. On this dense and abrasive album, bliss lurks around every corner. Never quite rhythmically, melodically or mentally complete, Rik’s sampledelic album evades any conception both popular and experimental music managed to construct in the last few years. Even though he is an avid listener, as a musician he manages to make outsider sounds like we haven’t heard in a while."
Jonathan Cant, Montage